Sunday, June 15, 2008

Beaver Lake siltation comes from all parts of the watershed

Please click on images to enlarge view of undetained runoff entering incomplete storm drains from Aspen Ridge/Hill Place development site at 11th Street and South Duncan Avenue in Fayetteville, Arkansas, at 11:30 p.m. June 15, 2008..


Beaver Lover said...

Unbelievable! It is sad that this kind of stuff happens, and that is why Beaver Lake looks so bad during storm events. Great pictures! We all need to keep our eyes open for things like this, take pictures, then confront our local government representatives to do something about it! You know, I often notice ditches and streams during storm events, some of them are fairly clean, while others look like chocolate milk. We need to document what is causing the chocolate milk, and then act to clean up the source. It will take all of our efforts!

Anonymous said...

Well, Benton County has more places like this than Washington County. But, as a great Tulsa television fisherment used to say in the 1970s, every one counts one!